IoD Conference : Growth in the Digital Age

Loved speaking at the Digital Transformation event at the IoD in London on behalf of MintTwist. As well as the guest seminar I had the pleasure of moderating the discussion panel, 'Accelerating Growth in the Digital Age'.

A video, of part of my talk, "A Personal Story of the Recent History of Digital", is here:

Elliott King's seminar talk from the IoD's Annual Digital Transformation Conference in London on the 'History of Digital Marketing'. From the previous Century, through the dot com crash, the bursting of the bubble in Silcon Valley up to today, Elliott King describes his first hand view of winners and losers in the recent history of computing and the internet.

As well as speaking I was delighted to Chair the panel session that included Tobi Oludayomi of Studio 14, James Codling of VentureFounders, Jamie Rawsthorne CEO and Co-founder of Unique Insight who discussed their personal experiences of being entrepreneurial and dynamic in the digital age.


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